The Web3 and Metamk: The next steps
After subscription to your Ethereum sing using web3, the next step is critical to decentralized application (DAPP) or an intelligent contract. This artcle gue th through through process process wit Metamk and what coets neck.
Starting with MetamSk
To start, you format configure to be metamash wallet in your browser. This wallet alllows you to interact with Ethereum and another blockchain platforms using API web3.
He was an updated code to start demonstrations.
contectMetmask = async () => {
Iif (Typeofon Window.etherum! =
attempt {
Wait Window.etherereum.request ( {> >
Method: ‘theth_accals’, /// Btamask of Metamask accounts
// o You can use the day API also admit your wallet
// p.ej. Get county,
ya capt (errorr) {
Console.orr (’Error conecting to Metamask:’, Error);
} others {
Console.log ('Memask is not compatible with this breser');
Sign with Metamk
Once you have connected with Etherereum wallet, the next step is to sign up with with web3. This implied the use of the Weeb3 to interact with the Ethereum network etwork.
She was an exam of the exam to the wit web3:
Import web3 of ‘web3’;
const web3 = web3 (wind.etherteum);
// Assume you with Metamask account with a private code of
Const Privatee = ‘
const tx tx = await
From: ‘0x …’, // / your wallet address
A: ‘0x …’, /// Desting Wallet Address
Value: Web3.towei.towei (‘e, ‘ether’), /// quantity of ether
What follows?
After signing with web3 and Metamk, y s subssherful configure eths of DAPP or intelligent contract. This is a magic happins!
Take a next steps tonder:
- Configure a blockchain platform : Decide white blockchain platform to build upbout (for exame, Ethereum, Solana, Sonance Smart Chain).
- S Create a user interface *: Design and develop an intuitively user interface threal that that thrlows to interact with the DAPP or intelligent contract.
- Implement intelligent contracts : We web pounders as a solid or Vyper to create and implementing intelligent contracts on the blockchain platform.
- Testa and simply : Try your DAPP or intelligent contract, and the implementation of we live envision (for exam, a tester, Mainnenet).
The firm with web3 and Metamk is just the firt to build a decentralized or intelligence application. Tolling the steps, it will be on the way to create a robust, syuy to use and safe sotion based on blockchain.
Remembs to roaming the beer security, scalability and maintained practices of building and implementing the DAPP or intelligent contract.